Thyatira Cemetery
Welcome to Thyatira Cemetery
Welcome to the official website for Thyatira Cemetery. This site will hopefully grow to allow more information. For now it will be a description of the cemetery and its board of directors.
We Now Accept Donations Online.
(Click the Donate button)
You can also Donate by Mail
(Send Checks, payable to Thyatira Cemetery, to the Treasurer listed on the Board Of Directors Page.)
Thyatira Cemetery Notices and Dates of Interest
Annual meeting of the members for Thyatira Cemetery, Inc. (Always the 3rd Sunday in May)
Date: May 18th, 2025
Time: 2:00pm
Location: Bradyville Church of Christ Click Here for map
This is a meeting to go over the financial statement and discuss old and new business. We also vote on any board member changes or renewals. Anyone can come to the meeting. If you wish to vote or make a motion you need to own a voting certificate. (Click here for more details)
Decoration Day at Thyatira Cemetery and fund raiser. (Always the weekend of the 2nd Sunday in June)
During the weekend of June 7th and 8th, 2025.
Don't Forget that you can also Donate via PayPal. (Click button on right side of home page)
Donations for mowing and general ground maintenance of the cemetery can be given during the decoration weekend or anytime during the year. He have representatives there during this weekend to accept your donations. All donations are greatly appreciated and needed. You can also give donations anytime of the year to one of the Board of Directors or mail those to the treasurer listed under the board of director's link. Your donations are the only thing that keeps the grounds maintained. For now we have no other form of revenue. So please donate to help maintain your loved one's cemetery.
Facebook Members:
Look for the Thyatira Cemetery Page on Facebook. Click Here
Need Tombstone or Gravesite Cleaning or Maintenance? Check out or Local Services Page
Welcome Visitors
Calendar of Events
- Annual Meeting - 3rd Sunday in May
- Decoration Weekend/Donations - Weekend of the 2nd Sunday in June
Contact us
Thyatira Cemetery
860 Bradyville Pike (There is no mail box here so do not mail anything to this address)
Readyville, Tennessee 37149